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  • 11 2021.08
    Humanistic care of the company

    June is hot and hot. In June 2021, the company’s senior management came to the production workshop to “send coolness” to the employees who are still fighting on the production line during the high temperature.

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  • 11 2021.08
    Precautions when using the grinding wheel-2

    1. Before starting the machine tool, check whether the protective device of the machine tool and the reset switch of various actions are adjusted in place and firm. 2. The protective cover used should cover at least half of the diameter of the grinding wheel. …

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  • 11 2021.08
    Precautions when using grinding wheels

    1. Before starting the machine tool, check whether the protective device of the machine tool and the reset switch of various actions are adjusted in place and firm. 2. The protective cover used should cover at least half of the diameter of the grinding wheel. …

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  • 11 2021.08
    20 common quality problems and solutions in the production process of resin grinding wheels

    Some manufacturers are plagued by many quality problems in the production process of resin grinding wheels. Today, the editor specially found some common problem analysis and solutions, hoping to exchange and learn with you~1 Material particle size does not match, hardness does not match. Strictly calculate the ingredients according to the ingredient list, review is the key procedure……

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  • 11 2021.08
    20 common quality problems and solutions in the production process of resin grinding wheels-3

    Some manufacturers are plagued by many quality problems in the production process of resin grinding wheels. Today, the editor specially found some common problem analysis and solutions, hoping to exchange and learn with you~1 Material particle size does not match, hardness does not match. Strictly calculate the ingredients according to the ingredient list, review is the key procedure……

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